The subject of back pain is probably familiar to everyone and haunts us all, sometimes to a greater or lesser extent. Because of the large number of people affected, it is often referred to as a widespread disease. It is therefore all the more interesting that new ways are now opening up for its treatment.
The Kronberger orthopedist and Chirotherapeut Dr. med. Eduard Chen developed for this a completely new, patented self treatment principle, for whose marketing it created in the meantime the Start UP enterprise CHIROTRACTOR. For the fast and professional implementation within one year into a marketable product, he has brought BUSSE DESIGN+ENGINEERING on board as a competent development partner, who is responsible for all steps of the product development.
According to Dr. Chen, nearly 90% of lower back complaints are nonspecific in nature. Acute back pain is usually caused by "short uncontrolled everyday movements such as lifting a moving box or the like," Dr. Chen said. Chronic back pain and repetitive back blocks, on the other hand, can have degenerative or neurological causes such as spinal and limb deformities, poor posture, or muscle and joint imbalances.
Expensive and sometimes harmful, diagnostic imaging procedures such as X-rays, CT scans, MRIs often provide neither visible causes nor a therapeutic approach. Trained orthopedists, osteopaths and manual physicians such as chiropractors, on the other hand, can often diagnose and treat movement restrictions of the vertebral bodies without technical aids.
A growing awareness among the population and increasing pressure in the health care system will lead the fitness industry to devote more attention to preventive and curative health aspects. Current back training concepts, however, focus mainly on strengthening the abdominal and back muscles without giving sufficient consideration to muscle tension-free vertebral body mobilization and stretching of soft tissue structures.
This is where Dr. Eduard Chen's new development comes in. Under the name CHIROTRACTOR CT-L, the new device has meanwhile been presented at the FiBo 2009 trade fairs in Essen (Germany) and at Club Industry East in Boston (USA). The response from the press and public was overwhelming, as evidenced by reports in "Fitness Tribune" (July/August 2009) and "Physio & Co" (1/2009). The "Fitness Tribune Innovation Award 2009" for "THE innovation of the last 10 years" speaks for the high level of recognition within the professional world.
BUSSE DESIGN+ENGINEERING made an important contribution to the success of the product innovation with the holistic development package from product conception, design and construction draft, functional samples with test series, trade fair prototypes to the selection of suppliers and a small series implementation. With the delivery of 10 series devices in December, the first back treatment devices will go on the market. We wish Dr. Chen and CHIROTRACTOR GmbH a successful start of the company and are looking forward to further exciting projects.